Meet The Property

Cambria Hotel Austin is where guests come to indulge in the little luxuries. Around the hotel, you’ll find comfortable furniture decked out in cooling colors and soft, inviting textures. Take note of unique Austin-inspired memorabilia, and find a cozy spot to read or work lit with just the perfect pop of light. Every corner is designed for you to use, so make yourself comfortable. Stay a while, or a little more than that. 


  • On-Site Dining at Uptown Lounge Craft Kitchen and Cocktails
  • Self-Service Laundry Room
  • 100% Smoke-Free Environment
  • State of The Art Fitness Center
little boy holding mans hand while man is pulling a suitcase

Complimentary Self- Parking

Feel safe & secure with a designated parking area for guests only.

beer flight

Outdoor Entertainment

Ramp up the fun with a splash pool, meditation garden, firepit, & sunset viewpoint at The Oaks Courtyard.

weights on a rack

Fitness Center

Don’t miss a workout with our state of the art fitness center, featuring Matrix Fitness equipment.

brown puppy in mans arms


Your pooch needs a vacation, too! We welcome all service pets & dogs under 50 lbs. 

*Pets allowed 50.00 USD per pet, per night. 2 pets per room.